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Family Lawyer NYC - Queens, Brooklyn & Bronx, NY Offices

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Welcome to Aronov Law NY, a Family lawyer with decades of experience and the highest client satisfaction rating on all the top legal forums. We help New Yorkers deal with all legal issues relating to family law from finances, insurance, real estate and much more.

Family law cases can be extremely difficult to manage without the legal knowledge or experience of dealing with a dispute like this before. To fill in these gaps, a family lawyer can use their education and track record of success to help resolve the most pressing family law issues. This legal support system can help to reduce the time it takes to finish your case and secure the type of outcome you are looking for.

At Aronov Law NY, we have a strong grasp on the nuances of family law in Queens and throughout NYC. We understand how uncomfortable these scenarios can be, which is why we focus our attention on explaining complicated legal jargon and procedures in simple terms to help our clients feel more at ease throughout the process. We also keep our clients informed and empowered. If you are facing a new family law dispute, connect with us today and see how we can help protect your rights.

Family law is an all-encompassing field of law that involves legal issues having to do with family. Dealing with family issues in a legal setting can be quite problematic, personal, and painful to deal with. After all, you are likely going to be affected more by legal issues that involve your family, such as divorce, child custody, and relocation talks. It is vital that you reach out to a family lawyer who can help you figure out your next steps.

Family law can be a distressing field of practice. Family court has jurisdiction over paternity issues, parental rights agreements, and other family legalities. Family legalities can be complex to navigate and run the risk of harming relationships going forward. Custody agreements, divorce settlements, legal arbitration, and prenuptial agreements can all be overwhelming to handle on your own without legal assistance. 

That’s where a family lawyer comes in. A family lawyer can provide you with some peace of mind that your family’s legal issues are being handled by someone who understands the law.

Dealing with family legal issues can leave you in a particularly vulnerable state that can impact your decision-making skills. A family lawyer can make sure your case stays on track and help you avoid pain, confusion, and unnecessary conflict. Attempting to navigate these legal troubles without good legal assistance can result in painful defeats you may not be ready to deal with. A family lawyer can help you keep yourself together and ensure your case is handled with care.

The Most Common Family Law Cases in Queens, New York

Family law cases cover many different legal issues that arise between family members. Understanding these different types of cases can help individuals better navigate their own legal issues and seek the appropriate form of support.

Some of the most common include:

→Divorce and Separation:

A divorce is also known as a dissolution of marriage. This often involves sorting out many other complicated legal issues, such as asset division, alimony, and child custody.

On the other hand, legal separation is when a couple decides to live apart and formalize their separation without legally ending the marriage. Hiring a family law attorney can help ensure both divorce and separation cases remain compliant with the law. Your lawyer can ensure your separation agreement or divorce order is fair.

No marriage begins with divorce on the mind. In fact, it is likely the furthest thing from it. However, life happens, and sometimes, a divorce is the only option for moving forward in peace. Divorce can feel demoralizing, humiliating, and often like a defeat. New York may be a no-fault divorce state, but there are still multiple grounds on which to file that can expedite the process.

Filing for divorce without claiming a cause can be a relatively smooth process in New York, but that doesn’t mean the divorce will be uncontested. Divorce is often anything but smooth, and a contested divorce can get messy quickly. Assets are divided, custody agreements are written up, and your personal problems are often aired in a fairly public setting. An experienced family lawyer can help you minimize embarrassment.

→ Child Custody and Support:

A child custody case aims to decide which parent will be granted legal and physical custody after a divorce or separation. To make this decision, the court will determine what needs a child has and which parent is suited to meet them.

Child support will also be determined. This is a monthly financial contribution from one parent to another to cover a child’s basic needs. These issues can become contentious, sometimes requiring mediation and court intervention to resolve.

  • One of the most substantial and emotionally charged reasons for hiring a family lawyer is to assist with a child custody agreement. If your relationship with your former spouse is fairly cordial, you may be able to develop a child custody agreement together with the intention of having a strong co-parenting relationship going forward. However, this is not always the case. 

Divorce is largely occurring due to fundamental differences between you and your former spouse. Therefore, drafting a child custody agreement can prove difficult and even painful if you do not involve lawyers to help keep things civil and focused. 

It is largely the goal of the New York courts to prioritize the safety and well-being of the children involved in these cases, regardless of the desires of either parent. The judge will make a ruling based on what the child needs.

In the event of a seperation, barring legal barriers set forth by the New York courts, every parent has the right to see their child. These are called visitation rights, and they are also referred to as “parenting time.” Visitation rights are granted to the non-custodial parent. An experienced family lawyer can help you work out a visitation agreement and assist in enforcing said agreement with the custodial parent.

→ Domestic Violence:

A domestic violence case occurs when someone needs protection from abuse they allege is being perpetrated by a family member or intimate partner.

Victims of domestic abuse often request a restraining order to legally protect themselves against any other abuse until the matter can be dealt with in court. To prove domestic violence, a plaintiff will need to provide evidence of abuse, such as medical records, surveillance footage, or witness statements.

→Adoption and Guardianship:

The adoption process involves the legal establishment of a new parental relationship between an adult and a child who is not biologically their own. A family law attorney can help conduct the necessary background checks, home studies, and court approvals to ensure the adoption process runs smoothly.

These attorneys can also support guardianship requests, which is where a new guardian is assigned to care for a minor due to complications with their biological parents.

When two people divorce, alimony payments may be in order if one spouse makes significantly more money annually than the other. If this is true, the higher-earning spouse will be ordered to send monthly payments to the other spouse to help them maintain the same standard of living they became used to in the marriage. These payments are often only temporary until the receiving spouse is able to support themselves financially.

While these are some of the most prominent family law cases, the list is not exhaustive. Connect with a local family law attorney as soon as you can to discuss what personal disputes you are dealing with and what legal options exist to remedy the situation.

Contact Aronov Family Law NY Today

Navigating a new family law dispute can be overwhelming. At Aronov Law NY, our attorneys are standing by, ready to assist with your family law case. Whether you are going through a divorce, need a new custody arrangement, or have another family law dispute, we are always ready to deliver quality legal services. Contact us today for more information.

What To Consider When Looking For a Family Lawyer

So, you have decided to seek out a family lawyer, either for a divorce, legal separation, etc. In this article we are going to discuss some of the things you should look for when choosing your family lawyer. We will also discuss some of the most basic but essential things that need to be resolved.

One of the first things to look for in a family lawyer is their success rate. This is usually gauged by the number of cases they have handled and won in the court room. Normally their success rate can play a factor in proving their level of experience. The next thing to look at is their exact field of family law, are they going to be able to provide the specific service that you need? Can they help in any other fields should an issue come up, like child custody, or even any criminal issues if it is necessary?

After checking all these factors and settling on a family lawyer who suits your needs you should sit down with them and come up with a game plan. Your plan should cover such things as the following:

⇒Financial Matters:

These include any bank accounts, stocks or bonds, and anything that is shared jointly by both parties.


These include vehicles, land, houses, and even personal possessions such as pictures, jewelry, etc.


If you are like most people you’re going to have some built up. It may be a house mortgage, a car loan or personal loans, etc. Usually if it is a debt that is jointly shared, the attorney will try to balance it out. Such one person taking a debt and the other taking separate debt to balance things out and satisfy both parties.

⇒Life Insurance:

Something to consider is that most couples these days have life insurance and the spouse is the beneficiary, this will usually need to be resolved and beneficiaries changed.

Last but not least and also one of the most major issues that need to be resolved is financial support and child custody. This is an extremely complex matter as it is strictly regulated by local laws. This is where your family lawyer needs to excel. Having a proficient family lawyer will ensure that both parties are satisfied or at the least their client is satisfied with the agreement when it comes the the child custody and or financial support.

This is not usually an easy process but that is why the family lawyer is there. They will always do their best to try to create a smooth process and the least amount of stress for their client.

One last piece of advice is not use a friend as your lawyer– even if they are a bar certified family lawyer. This usually causes serious issues with your friendship by putting that friend in an uncomfortable position, and can also lead to a conflict of interest as well. You need someone who is neutral and not associated with either parties involved in the case.

What Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan & Bronx NYC Residents Must Look For In A Family Lawyer

A good family lawyer has a number of important qualities that you should take into consideration when deciding who to hire for your case. After all, the lawyer you choose for your case will be representing you and helping you through major life-changing decisions regarding your family. You should hire someone who understands your case as well as you do, particularly the stakes as you see them. Here are some qualities that a good family lawyer should have:

  • Communication skills. Few traits are as important in the legal profession as communication skills. Lawyers have to be able to communicate effectively with their clients at all times and even be available for questions as often as possible. Communication entails translating legal language to something that their clients can understand better and giving them honest feedback about their case’s chances of success.

On the other hand, lawyers have to be able to listen effectively as well. Communication is a two-way street. Your lawyer is going to receive the lion’s share of information about your case from you directly. It is vital that you provide them with as much detail as you can and be completely honest with everything. Your lawyer cannot provide you with the proper guidance without knowing all the facts of your case.

  • Experience. One of the most important qualities a lawyer can have in their line of work is experience. When seeking out a family lawyer, you should try your hardest to find one who has handled cases similar to yours in the past and emerged victorious. An experienced family lawyer can draw from past cases and apply winning strategies to your case. 

While it can be virtuous to choose a family lawyer who is just starting out, you have to consider what you stand to lose should your case not end up in your favor. You stand a better chance of succeeding if you retain a lawyer who has experience handling cases like yours.

  • Knowledge. Family law is a broad topic and covers many different kinds of situations. It is important to retain a knowledgeable family law attorney who can pull from multiple sources and past education for your case. The legal knowledge required to be a successful family lawyer is considerably different from the knowledge needed to be a successful personal injury or corporate lawyer. A good lawyer dedicates themselves to knowing every aspect of their area of practice.
  • Good reputation. In most businesses, including the legal profession, your reputation is everything. You may want to look through client reviews, speak to past clients about their experience, and ask trusted family and friends for referrals. After all, your lawyer will be representing you in a public forum and helping you settle a family legal issue. You should hire somebody you feel you can trust and can share the details of your case with. 
  • Empathy. Dealing with legal issues involving your family can be an overwhelming experience, and having someone in your corner who understands what you are going through can mean so much. A good lawyer should be able to not only understand your situation but provide empathy as well. These issues are often considerably complex and multi-faceted. A little compassion can go a long way toward success in your case.
  • Significant availability. Your case is likely the most important and significant thing happening to you at the moment. You will want a lawyer who has enough availability to feel the same way about your case. 

The more cases a lawyer takes on, the harder it can be to devote considerable time and resources to each case under their umbrella. You should consider hiring someone who is free enough to devote the majority of their time to your case.

  • Transparency. One of the most important qualities you can look for in a lawyer is transparency. If you cannot trust your lawyer to be totally honest with you, there is likely going to be an issue of trust going forward. You should consider hiring a lawyer who is willing and able to give you the bad news when it happens and who won’t mislead you about your chances in court. If changes occur, you need to know as soon as possible.

Why You Should Hire a Family Law Attorney In NYC

Attorneys and lawyers that practice family law are known to take up all kinds of cases that relate to family issues ranging from common to highly unusual cases. Normally they will handle cases regarding separation, legal separation, divorce, adoption, prenuptial agreements, child custody, alimony, and support agreements, or the division of properties that were accumulated throughout the marriage.

They can handle pretty much anything that is related to family and even sometimes take uncommon cases that intersect with other branches of the law such as property law, criminal law, even probation issues.

As always there are a ton of questions that can come up when searching for a family law attorney. One of the biggest questions asked is “how easy will this be?”

An honest lawyer is going to be straight with you and explain the process, even the hard parts– especially the hard parts. They will discuss all options available, what kind of effects it will have on your friends, family, and children along with the pros and cons of each option.

They can also answer questions regarding child custody, alimony, child support, and numerous other things.

Family Lawyers are there to assist you with any questions that you might think of and a good one will have an simple understandable answer. One thing to take into consideration if you are separating or divorcing is child support laws. They usually vary state to state, are not bound by any specific federal statutes, and can be extremely confusing — especially if you don’t receive proper assistance.

If this is the case it is always a good practice to seek out a lawyer from your state, or the state where the case is being processed as they will be well versed in that state’s family law statutes.

Another advantage a family lawyer has is their ability to help a parent out if they are having issues making child support or alimony payments on time due to extraneous circumstances like loss of job, injury, etc. Normally when this is the case they will help you seek assistance through the courts to make adjustments. They can also help in regards to other things such as child visitation rights, even pet visitation rights which is becoming quite a common issue, and receiving and transferring funds if parents are living in separate states.

When it comes to family problems which are usually extremely stressful and upsetting, a family lawyer can be quite useful in assisting with the resolution of those issues. As always it is usually best to seek out a family lawyer who has qualifications in the specific area that you need help with but also has experience in other areas if such a need should arise.

One final thing to look at is the Family Lawyer’s work load. They may be a capable lawyer, but if their workload is too large they may not be able to dedicate the time required to resolve the case. As with most things, you can always start off with researching lawyers in your area either through the web or the yellow pages.

Whether you need a family or divorce attorney in NYC call now for a free legal consultation.

How Much Do Queens, NY, Family Law Attorneys Cost?

The specific circumstances of your family law case will dictate the final cost of your Queens, NY, family law attorney. Three key factors that influence costs include how many disputes there are to resolve, how many years of experience your attorney has, and where they are located geographically. However, an investment into quality legal services can produce even greater rewards at the end of your case if it helps you secure the outcome you were looking for.

There is no telling how much a family court lawyer will cost in New York. Every family court case is different, with its own specific details and circumstances unique to each individual case. 

In addition, every family court lawyer will charge a different amount for their services, and that amount will be dependent on a number of specific factors. Those factors include the lawyer’s availability, caseload, education, experience, resources, and popularity, as well as the chances of winning your case.

How Long Does a Family Law Case Take in New York?

The length of a family law case in New York will depend on how many issues need to be sorted out. When both parties come to the table in agreement on how to remedy their differences, these cases will finish more quickly than those that require multiple court appearances before a judge and jury can make a final decision. Other factors can also significantly delay a family law case, such as complicated financial disputes or the need to collect more evidence and witness testimonies.

The length of a family law case in New York will depend on how many issues need to be sorted out. When both parties come to the table in agreement on how to remedy their differences, these cases will finish more quickly than those that require multiple court appearances before a judge and jury can make a final decision. Other factors can also significantly delay a family law case, such as complicated financial disputes or the need to collect more evidence and witness testimonies.

How Are Child Custody Decisions Made in NY?

All child custody decisions prioritize meeting a child’s basic needs rather than their parent’s preferences. The most common factors the court will look into before making a custody decision include the child’s relationship with each parent, their ability to offer a stable home environment, and the child’s emotional and physical needs. As long as both parents are able to offer a stable and safe home environment, joint custody will likely be awarded.

All child custody decisions prioritize meeting a child’s basic needs rather than their parent’s preferences. The most common factors the court will look into before making a custody decision include the child’s relationship with each parent, their ability to offer a stable home environment, and the child’s emotional and physical needs. As long as both parents are able to offer a stable and safe home environment, joint custody will likely be awarded.

What Happens If Someone Violates a Family Court Order?

If someone is not complying with a family court order, the other party has the authority to file a motion for contempt with the court. Once this happens, the court will enforce the order by introducing new penalties against the individual who is not complying. These penalties can include hefty fines, a change to a custody or visitation agreement, or even a required jail sentence, depending on how severe the violation is.

Q: How Do I Get a Lawyer for Family Court in New York City?

A: There are many ways to secure a lawyer for a family court in New York City. If you are unable to seek out a family lawyer on your own, you can seek help from family legal care helplines, volunteer attorney programs, and low-cost legal services from the New York City Bar Association, among other options. You should be able to secure legal assistance in some capacity. There are many different options for legal help.

Q: What Is the Difference Between a Custodial and Non-Custodial Parent?

A: The primary difference between a custodial and non-custodial parent is who has primary custody of the child. The custodial parent is granted primary custody by the court. The child lives with them, and they are the primary provider for the child. 

The non-custodial parent does not have physical custody, but they may have visitation rights. Some non-custodial parents are highly involved in their child’s life and develop a strong co-parenting relationship with the custodial parent.

Q: Can I Challenge a Child Support Plan?

A: Yes, you have the right to challenge a child support plan if you disagree with the order that was issued. You can file an objection with the court. An objection must be filed in the court within 30 days of receiving the finalized order. The custodial parent can respond to your objection. The New York family court will consider your request, the other parent’s request will be considered, and a decision will be made.

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